Izotope Rx Tempo


Some of the processing modes in the RX plug-ins are very CPU intensive and result in a delay of the signal. That is, RX needs some time to process the audio before it can send it back to the host application. That time represents a delay when listening or mixing down.


The Phase module balances asymmetric waveforms by rotating signal phase. Rotating the phase of a signal changes its peak values but doesn’t change its loudness, and otherwise has no audible effect on the signal.


  • Adaptive Phase Rotation: Continuously analyzes the audio selection and applies the time-variable phase rotation to both left and right channels, resulting in a symmetrical waveform with minimal signal peak levels.
    Adaptive phase rotation is best used on vocal material, as it can occasionally yield pitch artifacts on musical material.
  • Rotation (deg): Rotates the channel’s phase by the specified degree.
    When a waveform’s phase is rotated, every frequency is rotated equally. Rotating phase by 180 degrees inverts the waveform.
  • Suggest: Analyzes the selection for the ideal channel-linked fixed phase for reducing overall peak levels of the signal.

More Information

Asymmetric waveforms can occasionally occur in audio such as dialogue, voice, and brass instruments.

  • Making the waveform more symmetrical gives the signal more headroom.
  • Rotating the phase of a waveform, will change its amplitude characteristics. Phase rotation does not result in a time shift.
  • Because the range of rotation is from −180 to +180 degrees, the Phase tool can be used for simpler purposes, such as inverting signal polarity.

Visual Example of Phase Rotation

The top waveform in the folloiwing image is a trumpet signal with higher peak values on one side of its waveform (meaning the waveform is asymmetrical.)
The bottom waveform in the folloiwing image has been processed by the Phase module. The processig rotated the phase of the waveform by −72 degrees to distribute its peak samples more evenly (making the waveform more symmetrical.)

Izotope Rx 7 Audio Editor Advanced

RX is world-renowned for its audio clean-up capabilities, but today we’ll talk about its use and value as a storytelling tool.

Izotope Rx Tempo 2

Recently, I had the pleasure of joining my friend, sound designer and re-recording mixer Peter Albrechtsen, on the mix of Robert Machoian's The Killing of Two Lovers, which premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. I was brought on to mix the dialogue and Foley, while Peter handled the ambiences, sound effects, and sound design. This was a very collaborative and creative mix—any idea that would help enhance the story was welcome and encouraged.

I was really taken by the direction and editing of the film, as there were many long, single shots where the actors would use the entire screen as a stage—this made for some wonderful interactions and drama. We were on the clock with the Sundance delivery being just days away. This is where RX 7 Advanced emerged as an essential storytelling tool.

Izotope Rx Torrent

Check out the two-part video below as we explore RX’s creative contributions to the compelling indie film, The Killing of Two Lovers.